
September 14, 2011

Join us at Oslo Global Mobility Forum November 2nd!

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 1:43 pm

How do you attract and retain global talent to Norway and the Nordics?
What recruitment strategy do Nordic companies need to succeed in the global marketplace?
What are the latest global mobility trends, and the outlook for 2012 and beyond?
Find out at Oslo Global Mobility Forum, where industry leaders and experts will share their experiences and best practices.

Kulturtolk, BI Handelshøyskolen and Oslo Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Abelia invite you to join us the 2nd of November.

Find out more at www.globalmobility.no

Date: 2nd of November
Venue: BI Norwegian Business School, Nydalen

May 17, 2011

New Facebook Page Launched

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 10:32 am

Kulturtolk is proud to present its new Facebook Page!

Our launch coincides with Norway’s National Day, the 17th of May. Enjoy reading about this month’s feature country, Norway, as well as current National Days and other interesting topics.
Then join us and help us to spread the word by inviting others! Thanks!

May 12, 2011

Intercultural Course for Nordea

Filed under: News — Tags: , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 3:15 pm

Bjørn Christian just led a course for Nordea employees on Intercultural Communications in the Nordics.

May 11, 2011

Lovepat Article Published on Denizen.com

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 3:15 pm

Anna’s article on the challenges of being a lovepat and a TCK was published on Denizen.com.

April 7, 2011

Culture Night at International Network of Norway

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , , , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 3:22 pm

Employees of Statoil, Oslo Handelskammeren and DNV participated in the 3rd bi-annual Culture Night at INN, presented by Kulturtolk. They discussed topics such as unique aspects of Norwegian culture, intercultural communication and adapting to a new culture as an expat. Stay tuned for the next Culture Night in the fall!

April 4, 2011

Kulturtolk Welcomes New Intern From Germany

Filed under: News — Tags: — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 3:17 pm

For the next three months, Kulturtolk will host Esther Grund from Berlin as its first intern. This internship is part of her ongoing studies in Intercultural Management in Jena/Germany. She will support the team in cross- and intercultural business issues, as well as in their marketing strategy.

November 19, 2010

Kulturtolk welcomes its new partner, INN!

As of today, Kulturtolk is happy to announce INN as its newest partner. INN is a daughter organization of the Oslo Chamber of Commerce and as such, provides services to expats through their member program.

INN offers relocation services and expat support throughout the expat lifecycle. Their members receive many benefits, including:
* INN® Expatriate Handbook
* Weekend suggestions
* Counselling
* Events – cultural and social
* 24 hour emergency line
* Support for accompanying partners

September 9, 2010

Kulturtolk article published on IMDI Mangfoldsportalen

Filed under: News — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 3:58 pm

Bjørn Christian Nørbechs article “Hva skal til for å lykkes med integrering?” was published on the front page of IMDI’s website “Mangfoldsportalen”. It delves into how you can get people from different backgrounds to communicate and work together effectively. What do those who are successful in integration do and how do they do it? This article covers these questions and gives some answers and general tips to leaders and others working with integration in Norway.

Here is an excerpt: “Hva skal egentlig til for å lykkes med integrering? Hvordan får man mennesker med ulik kulturbakgrunn til å kommunisere og samarbeide effektivt og lystbetont med hverandre? Er det noen som er dyktigere enn andre på dette, og hva gjør i så fall de? I denne artikkelen skal jeg ta for meg disse spørsmålene og forsøke å gi noen svar og generelle tips til ledere og andre i norsk arbeidsliv som ønsker å arbeide med integreringen i egen virksomhet.

July 3, 2010

Kulturtolk education certification program

Filed under: News — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 6:49 pm

In the fall of 2010, we will be announcing the start of a Kulturtolk education program for individuals interested in becoming certified kulturtolks. In the meantime, if you are interested in information, please contact us.

May 9, 2010

Performances of Chameleon: the experience of global citizens in NYC May 13-15

Filed under: News — kulturtolkNOadmin @ 2:59 pm

A new project called “Chameleon: the experience of global citizens” is a multi-disciplinary arts project about global nomads, third culture kids, cross culture kids, cross/multi discipline fusion.

The show has its premier next week in NYC. Performances will take place at University Settlement, located at 184 Eldridge Street (corner of Rivington St) May 13-15, 2010, at 7:30 PM. So if you’re in the area, why not support a good cause and learn a bit more about TCKs through creative expression?!

Or, if you’re traveling to Washington DC this summer you can catch the show at the Capital Fringe Festival. (Thursday July 8 @ 6pm, Saturday July 10 @ 11am, Friday July 23 @ 6pm, Saturday July 24 @ 3:45pm, Sunday July 25 @ 2:15pm.
Venue: The Apothecary, Venue Address: 1013 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

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